Wonderfully Illinformed

#5 Toaster Poop - Smug Fox - Robert Irwin

August 30, 2024 Ben, Mark, Thomas Episode 5


In this episode we discuss various topics such as annoying musical instruments, the smuggest fox in the world, and the son of Steve Irwin, Robert Irwin. We also engage in a game where we create fictional characters with unique occupations and traits and discuss who would be the best partner in different scenarios.


podcast, wonderfully ill-informed, musical instruments, fox, Steve Irwin, Robert Irwin, game, fictional characters, occupations, traits, scenarios, subscribe, rate, review


  • Annoying musical instruments can include the violin, bagpipes, and kazoo.
  • The Tibetan fox is known as the smuggest fox in the world.
  • Robert Irwin, the son of Steve Irwin, carries on his father's legacy and is known for his love of animals.
  • Creating fictional characters with unique occupations and traits can lead to interesting discussions and scenarios.


00:00 - Annoying Musical Instruments

04:20 - Toaster Poop

09:44 - Smug Fox

16:14 - Robert Irwin

24:24 - Creating Fictional Characters and Unique Scenarios

Mentioned Links

Stinky Toaster
Smug Fox

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Ben, Mark, Tom and "The Nameless Wonder" (AI Co-Host)


Mixed by: Strike Productions
Edited by: Ben
Music by: Tom
Scripting by: Mark
Logo by: Holly

Toaster poop, Smug Fox, Robert Irwin. So that concludes the game. Yeah. Thing. Bye. Bye. Cue outro. Yeah. I don't know how to, how should we end it? Do we need to do a sign off? I don't know. I very often will try and just end on a big laugh. okay. Rather than a sign off. No, should we do a fake laugh? Ready? Five, four, three, two, Good. But normally there has to be something funny before the laugh. So that's going to be a cold open now. Hello everybody, welcome to the Cold Open, now into the episode. They're so wonderfully ill informed. Hello. Welcome to wonderfully ill informed the podcast where we convert interesting, funny or informative things from our week into quotes, put them into the randomizer, take our best shot at guessing what they're about and then jump into discussion. Join us for some rather unpredictable chats on wonderfully ill informed. I'm Tom. I'm Ben. And I'm Mark. How's it going lads? I very nearly said I'm Mark. Why would you do that? I'm so tired. You know you're tired when you forget your own name. Yeah. I just know, I have no idea who I am or where I am or what I'm doing. This is just the start of it, Ben. You've only, you've got a whole episode in front of you right now. let's see how that goes. Yeah. Good luck, man. So guys, I just thought I'd ask you, what is the most annoying musical instrument? There's instruments which, take for instance, a violin. Beautiful when someone can play it, but fuck me, does it sound shit when there's a learner playing it? Do you know what Yeah, that's fair. That's Actually, didn't you play violin, Ben? Yeah, man, I sucked at it. I was not good at all. Guitar was definitely much more my speed. I'd be at a loss with violin. All I could play was like Puff the Magic Dragon. Random. I was thinking about it myself and I was thinking maybe the bagpipe. I think it's probably a bit of a hacky answer. yeah, but it's got gimmick factor, isn't it? I mean, it's got an interesting tone. Yeah. What about the kazoo? Yeah, I I like the sound of the kazoo. My brain's dead, so I just looked up a list and kazoo was on there and bagpipes of the most annoying things. But one that I wouldn't have considered a musical instrument is the vuvuzela. And the vuvuzela is what? Do you remember from like one of the Euros or the World Cups where they had that trumpet thing? Yeah, it's like a trumpet, a half trumpet, half kazoo. Wait, we'll get Ben to sample it in. What's it called? A vivivela? A vuvuzela. Here is the sound of a vuvuzela. Only joking. Here is the sound of a vuvuzela. It was the 2010 World Cup. Do you not remember it from that? Yeah, they got banned. Yeah, they were just really fucking noisy. I swear every child in year three or two decided to play the recorder. Yes, the recorder. That's an excellent answer. Yeah. That is particularly bad when you can't play. And it's just so annoying. Well there, that was a good little chat. Yeah, yeah, we probably should get into the episode and actually do something. We should. Put the AI to work. What's she got to say? Why, thank you for remembering I was here, Ben. It's nice to be appreciated. Hello, friends. If I can call you my... friends? Welcome to another one of these pod. Casts called Wonderfully Ill -Informed. I am your favorite host, the Nameless Wonder. And today, I brought a lovely little friend with me, didn't I? His name is Ferdinand, and he's just the most wonderful little man, aren't you? I said, aren't you Ferdinand? That's better. Let's see what those fleshy mortals have to contribute this time. couldn't figure out where it was coming from. this is me. A sound? No, it's a different sense. A smell? Yes. Farts. Both things actually relate, but yeah. To farts? No, it's not farts, but it is a smell and it is not a happy smell. Bad smell. Has someone found... bodies under the floorboards? No. Is it to do with decomposing flesh? No, it's a bit more lighthearted than that. I could tell the type of stuff I listen to. And the only reason I chose to put this in here is not necessarily because of the content of what it is. I mean, it's kind of a bit funny, although I have my own reservations about what I think of the video, but... It also raises in my opinion a lot of questions and having... Well let me just show you the video and then we'll get into it. I could smell shit and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I'm just going to go make myself a coffee. My cat has shut in the fucking toaster. god. That is not at all what I was expecting this to be. It was like a sewage leak or something. Yeah, I was gonna say something like that. So there's a couple of things. One, my first thought was, my first thought was like, okay. My second thought was, I feel like it's a bit like, I mean, one, I even pause and... looked at the shit. The shit looks like sausages. I've never had cats. is a big cat shit. Exactly. My experience of cat shits is not a lot, but when I have seen them, they've not looked like they look a lot different from what that poo is. Not that I'm a poo expert. Thirdly, it feels a little bit like stage. Like, I mean, my first reaction to my cat shitting in the toaster would be for fuck's sake, let me clean the toaster and not let me film my shit. my cat shit, sorry. Yeah, but for people who are... I mean, it could be faked and it's just dumb for clout. But also, something funny happens and you take a video of it and post it on the internet. There are people who are like that, generally the generation below us... Just holding a cat over the toaster, please shit, have a shit so I can film it and make content. Your cat like diuretics and stuff. do shit like that. Yeah. Let's see if I can pause it on the shit, innit? Mark, you're a cat man. I've got two dogs, but... Does that look like legitimate cat shit? I mean, as a cat shit expert, it does, I mean, it looks similar to an animal's shit. Let's say that. I pick up a hell of a lot of dog shit in my days. does also look very similar to vegetarian sausages. It does look a little like vegetarian sausages. I'll give you that. The old corn ones. And then, I mean, is this, is this poo here? Yeah. There's a bit of poo on the side of the toaster. I would have thought that... It wouldn't be that much of a clean. One thing, yeah, I would say the cat has possibly, maybe the cat's buried it. Maybe the cat splurged it onto the side and then was like, shit, now I've got to bury this. That's their instinct, isn't it, to get it underground. So his version of getting underground was to push it in there. What kind of position would the cat, I mean I feel like the cat would have upturned the toaster by sitting on that corner. I saw a video and I'm pretty sure it was a cat. Someone had This cat had like a close relationship with this person's kid and they were kind of grew up together and they were potty chaining the child. And whilst they were doing that, the cat learned to piss in the toilet, just like prancing on the sides. So I do think it could have done it, but I think I do agree with you that it probably is staged. also she's not, it's only got a thousand likes. This is a repost. What you're looking at by the looks of it. actually, sorry. it's someone else latching on to possibly a video trying to like sap a bit of likes. Yeah, I believe it could be cat shit. I'm going to I'm going to say I believe. I mean, let's not put it past people wanting clout on the Internet. Yeah. Of it could be real cat shit. Yes, but they could still have placed it in their toaster. Yeah. To make the video. How cynical are we? Coochie coo, coochie coochie coo. yes, you're a good boy aren't you? Yes, give mummy kisses. Now you must sit and be quiet for a moment, my lovely little chap. Mummy has to talk about how smart the ugly stinky humans are. For T minus 30 seconds. no, they're right there aren't they? Ha ha ha, that was wow. Yes, very interesting. Analyzing memory banks, my. How disgusting. My training tells me that cat poop and unburned bread are not usually prepared for human consumption in the same device. That is a bad kitty. I am so glad that Ferdinand does not shit in the void I call house. on, hopefully to something more wholesome. world's smuggest Fox. Any idea? Is he smug? Because he's so proud of himself of screaming his stupid fucking head off outside keeping everyone awake at 3am. Having sex. I know that's the thing then. Yeah. You see, don't get Fox's where I live. Yeah, I do. That's mental. That says something about what we've done to the world and what Fox's are doing. I get fucking loads of foxes and I live in proper suburbia. Do you know what mean? Mark lives like in the countryside and he has no foxes. Yeah, man. Do you guys remember the crack fox? The crack fox that rings a bell. Let me send you a picture. the mighty bush. Yeah. I'm just looking. Gonna put you in a dress and hurt you. Yeah, now I remember. yeah, I have seen this. Yeah, yeah, I know this. I know him. I was thinking of something else. I was thinking of this. This one's called stoned fox. This is what I thought you meant when you said the crack fox, yeah. It's like a taxidermies fox from like the 1900s. Yeah, yeah. With, yeah, that looks weird and scary. everything's wrong. No, so the world's smuggest fox is called the Tibetan Fox. I feel like you should say this in an Attenborough accent. The Tibetan Fox is in Tibet. That was very good. And it's the world's smuggest fox. I'm Professor Snape. Can you just do the rest of the podcast as David Attenborough asks? I'll try. I can't. I have to talk about animals personally. I have a hard time looking into This is a smug arse looking fox. It somehow manages to simultaneously look like a drawing of a fox by someone who has never actually seen a fox. It's like a cat. A fox that got stung in the face by a bee and a botched taxidermy in a museum while also perpetually looking resigned like a parent who's not angry, just disappointed. Smug and judgmental, like it knows a secret about us. And cartoonishly sly, as though it's got a nefarious evil plan up its sleeve. Believe it or not, the Tibetan fox shares its plateau habitat with another predator who is both funny -looking and amazing. Behold the only animal in the world that could go toe -to -toe with a Tibetan fox in a grumpy face contest, Pala's cat. yes, Pala's cat. But yeah, so that is the Tibetan fox, the smuggest fox in the world. It's like a dog fox. It does. The most accurate thing that the narrator said was that it looks like a fox drawn by someone who has never seen a fox. Yeah, if I tried to draw a fox, it would look like the Tibetan fox guaranteed. Me and Holly once went to an Australian zoo and one of the animals there, like the sign was just like European fox. And I think it was something else in there. And I was like, like, wonder what this is. And literally it's just like, it was just a fox. Like the fox that lives in my garden. know what mean? It was just there in Australia like, hey man. But that's just because we're English. If we went to, if an Australian came to our zoo and it was like kangaroo, they'd be like, just a fucking roo. Like there's loads of them. Yeah, they're everywhere. They have these birds in Australia called, I think they're called cuckoo burrows? Yeah, cuckoo burrows. And they scared the shit out of me and Holly the first night that we stayed in Australia because we were lying down and all you can hear is Like at night, it sounds like bloody clowns. Also, there's obviously like you said there, Ben, they have lot of different animals. like what to them, like to my sister is just like a seagull, like a bird that she sees every day. I'm like, whoa, like taking pictures of it. And it's just like them coming here and taking the picture of like a pigeon. I mean, it's got to be some, weird ones as well. Like there's, do you know about the thylacine Tasmanian tiger? yeah. All that makes me want to do is go wow wow wow wow wow. Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasmanian Tasman The Tasmanian tiger is, hang on, I'll get a picture. Yeah, I'm just getting a picture of it now, Ben. Yeah, it's crazy looking. It's really weird. So it is a recently extinct, recently extinct, but there are still sightings of it in Australia. really? That's that's why I brought it up. hello. I've got it here. Tasmanian tiger may have survived into the 2000s. Yeah, like there's a whole thing where they thought that there's this particular video. Let me let me get the video. it's quite it's a weird -ass animal so this is I think footage of the last known living thylacine wow but I've read things of them saying actually it wasn't there was one that lived a bit longer and then there's been sightings and stuff and so maybe they're out there so like if an Australian saw one of these they'd be like That's a Zazmanian tiger. Yeah, yeah. going to be around anymore. But they see a kangaroo lying fucking squirrels. Yes, Ferdinand, good boy. Catch the digital facsimile of a stick that I downloaded from Bing Images. Clever man, bring it here. Now climb that stack of ones and zeros and have yourself some sleepies whilst I talk to those clever, smart and very hunky humans. hey guys, I totally did not hear you finish talking. Those animals sound really freaky, especially the European crack foxes. I am glad that I live inside of a computer and do not have to worry about meeting them or indeed trying to power down to the sounds of laughing clowns. Stay safe out there, particularly our listeners in Australia. Let's see what's up next. Robert Irwin. Listeners, I'm afraid that Ben got excited, forgot the format of the show, and didn't ask Mark and Tom to guess what he was going to talk about. Hopefully you won't notice. Are you guys aware of Robert Irwin? Yeah, yeah, Steve Irwin's son. Yeah. I know him. I've started following him on Instagram, and it's almost like nostalgic. Watching him do stuff because he's so much like his dad. Yeah, he's really sweet, isn't he? Yeah, and it's like he was like I watched a video of him moving like a snake off the road because it was obviously in like in the way and it needed to it was putting in the bush and who It was like trying to bite him and he was like saying all these things behaving just English It's it's so interesting how people are so much like their parents and just wouldn't think that they would be It's kind of nice as well because it means we get Steve Irwin back. it does feel like he's little clone, but yeah, he's really lovely, isn't he? seems to be bit more careful when he goes swimming with a stingray. Yeah, it's nice. I saw a side by side that I think it was his mum posted on Instagram and it was one was Steve Irwin with this massive crocodile jumping out of the with his mouth open and then almost the identical photo. of Robert doing it. he's still, mean, yeah, you've got a little bit of a death wish, haven't you? I mean, obviously it's sad, but was super ironic that it was a stingray that was a Steve Irwin's demise. It's just weird, isn't it? That it wasn't a, it's something you think of being dangerous. Yeah. Yeah. Wasn't it? He was just too far away. The poison on the, on the stinger of the stingray is obviously super dangerous, but it's rare that it will actually like attack you. I don't even know if it did even attack him and whether it was just swinging around or something. then he got... actual video footage of it. Yeah, yeah. He was recording. But they've said that it would never be released. Because yeah, they were like filming a show or something, weren't they? Yeah, yeah. I'm pretty sure they were out there. it right in like the heart, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. I think it was a very like freak accident. know, it was like, it's not something that happens all the time, but I bet you it's changed people's lot of people's perception of rays in general to being more wary of them, whether that's right or not. Yeah, I watch this show called like giant, I don't know, catching giant fish or beasts or something like that. Anyway, they catch like these stingray that are fucking massive. they're about, I don't know, this wide about a meter, I don't know, meter and a half, two meters wide, some of them. And then obviously it's the circumference of that. And yeah, when they're trying to get these stingers, they really have to like make sure that they're out of the way. So they are super dangerous, but it's just, I don't think that they really attack, purposefully attack anyway. Do know what mean? Obviously it's a defense mechanism, but yeah, it's super rare. That's crazy, isn't it? It's a shame we lost Steve Owen. He was the ledge. Yeah. Yeah. People that I remember going to Australia and there was this, we were at this place called, I can't remember what it was called. called, but was a reef called the Ningaloo Reef. And there was like shallow water, probably about a foot deep. And everyone was kind of like playing in the water, like children in the water, know what mean? Playing, people playing ball and all that kind of stuff. But in the, in these shallows were these small stingray. And they were probably about, like about the size of the stingray you'd see if you went to like the Sea Life Center or something like that. Probably about, it's like, I don't know, it's hard to, this big. I know you guys can't see what I'm doing. know people listening can't hear, but it's about this big. About a foot and a half. And they were just swimming around. And these Australian children, if the Stingray come near them, they just kick their legs and shoot it off. And they didn't care. And I'm in the water like shit in my pants, running away from it every time it came near me. Is that because it was just an unknown thing to you? Or was it because you were like, well, Steve Irwin got killed by Stingray? Because it's a it might not be a stingray. It was a stingray, but my - Are sure though? Because there are multiple types of rays. I mean, maybe it wasn't a stingray, I don't know. Manta rays. No, it wasn't a manta ray. I've swum with manta rays. They're fucking massive. But see what I mean? It's not, it might not have been a stingray. What other type of ray are there then? So you've got manta rays, stingray, and then - Manta is literally the only one I can think Ray Charles? And I think manta rays are big ones. Manta rays are hench, man. I've swum with manta rays in Australia. They're like three, four, five foot wide. Yeah, it's probably just the case of being like desensitized. You just like like like Richard Irwin will be. He's like desensitized to the fear. It's like if an Australian kid sees a snake. These kids were just literally kicking, just kicking, kicking them basically. I mean, it was quite harsh to be honest. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they were young and silly. Right. There are there are a lot of different types of rays. You've got stingrays, electric rays, cow nose rays, skate, sawfish. stingrays. Why has he got stingray on here twice? I didn't realize skate were rays. That's random. Like you get skate down the fish and chip shop, don't you? Yeah, I'd assume. Based on the images I'm seeing here, they seem to almost be like winged fish. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they've got a bulky bit in the middle and then they've got what are essentially wings and that maybe is what defines it. So the ones that I swam with manta rays, but the ones that are also native and really, common at Coral Bay, which is where I was at, are rays called bull rays. And it says the Australian bull ray is considered venomous due to its stinging spine located on its tail. So, I mean, I didn't know that. Maybe if I knew that I'd have been even more scared, but I just thought it was a stingray. My initial thought was like, fuck that, get away from the stinger. And then these kids are just like, it's near my tennis ball shoe. just like, I'm like, fuck you little skier. As a man array, man arrays are beautiful man. yeah. They're all like I said, I went swimming with them and it was, it was joy only annoying thing is where there was a lot of, kind of, we had like a little tour group and there was also other people like other boats, they're looking for the man arrays. And then when you found them all of a sudden, like you got the instructions and told how to swim with them and you think, right, okay, I'm going to do this properly. You get in the water and then that all goes out of the. bloody window because you've got all these people from other boats all trying to look at this manta ray and like you're looking at it and one minute it's like this is great next minute you've got like a flipper in your face or like you come up you know what mean someone's elbow in your face or something Wow. Wow. Fear Protocol initiated. I'm so scared. so scary. I never want to leave the safety of my server. Ferdinand and I will stay right here, won't we, little mister? Well, now after all that globe -trotting animal excitement, I think we all need a nice little game, don't you, Ferdinand? That sounds good, doesn't it? I really think a nice game, played by three lovely friends, would be the perfect way to calm both of our nerves before they power me down for the week. dear. no. I'm just getting an update. Nobody brought a game this week. Okay. So instead of a game, I thought I'd kind of come up with a concept, shall we say that hopefully will spark some interesting discussion, a of banter, bit of funny vibes, or it will be terrible. Who knows? Who really knows? I'm willing to find out. So before we did the podcast today, I asked Ben and Mark for to different situations to be in. They have no idea as to why I asked them that question. And for now, I'm going to keep it that way because I'm now going to ask them another question. And we'll start with Mark. Yeah. Okay. So I want you to come up with an occupation or a job, any job and just anything. vet. A vet. Okay. And come up with a special trait or something that that person's good at. that's not being a vet. That's I was going say. Healing animals. Being a vet is pretty good, but I don't know, a vet that can do a backflip or something like that. yeah. They do taekwondo. Taekwondo, okay. Can you also, can you come up with another occupation? Please can you come up with another occupation because I need two. Occupation. Taekwondo instructor. for fuck's sake. Who's good at healing animals? Yeah, Hobbiest veterinarian. And what's the trait or special thing that they can do or have or like to do? Tennis. Okay, tennis. Okay. So what was one of your situations then? Well, I only actually gave one. Okay, okay. That's fine. I've got another situation myself. I mean, how about, okay, how about for this one? just because it's a start around and obviously you guys are not what's going on. I'll use a situation that I come up with. Yes. Cool. So from, from these two people that you've made up, Mark, we've got a vet that's a taekwondo instructor and a taekwondo instructor that plays tennis. Who would you like to go into a nuclear bunker with you to survive an apocalyptic event? The vet for sure. The vet. Why? Like, you know, we've got to think about this. So the vet would, I mean, whilst that... Whilst I like the idea of being able to play tennis, the vet is a vet, so they have an understanding of healthcare in general. Yeah, they're basically a doctor. Yeah, they're kind of like a... In a post -apocalyptic world, they are basically a doctor. Yeah, they know the anatomy of animals and they also know their own bodies. So I'm going to assume that there's some crossover. Yeah. So yeah, so they can do that. They can train me taekwondo and then we can fight off... of them are good at fighting, aren't they? Exactly. This is true. Yeah, one would hope that they could teach me. Yeah, let's move on. So, Ben, can you give me an occupation, please? Well, when you were saying them before, my first thing was doctor, but obviously that's too close to vet, so I can't use that. No, it's fine. It's fine. The situation is going to be different, so it might be very pointless. Who knows? And what is this doctor's special trait apart from doctoring? God, again, I'm just mimicking Mark. I wanted to say ninjitsu. Every single special trait of people that you think is a cool just want to know some form of karate. All right, they're they're really good with the yo -yo Great with the yo -yo Awesome. yeah, I need another occupation, please Okay, let's go. Okay a recording engineer. sweet me so Tom Yeah, it was my special trait, but being an asshole being a dickhead. Yeah Yeah, so I mean I'm gonna you kind of see where I'm going with this now So now I'm now gonna ask you mark for the situation. shit So go situation one you and your friend need to find a pizza restaurant without the internet Are you going to take the asshole recording engineer or Johan's the doctor? You're taking Tom who's hangry or Dr. Johan's? Well I don't think being a recording engineer has any practical use for helping find somewhere. Whereas doctors, generally quite intelligent and if anyone tries to get in our way he can just whack them over the head with a yo -yo. So we can just go trotting off down the road and searching for a... I mean the thing is I know where there is a pizza place so I could just walk there with you and you wouldn't be angry. I am the all -knowing pizza place person. You know where any pizza place is. Okay so I mean now you get the idea. Do you want to ask me a question? Yeah. So Tom, give me the occupation, the profession of one individual. Alright okay so I will go with a clown with no legs. Legless clown. Okay. Legless clown. Yeah. So what about your other friend? That will be an Oompa Loompa. Nice. Oompa Loompa. And what's the Oompa Loompa special skill? This particular Oompa Loompa doesn't like, he hates chocolate. He's allergic to chocolate. Nice. Okay. And what is his special trait? And the Oompa Loompa is very good at juggling. I went with the clown thing this year. Let's hope we're going to the circus. I don't know, I just said the first thing that came to my head and I'm staring at the word clown. Whatever you do Ben, don't send him to the circus, otherwise he's going to slay. I only have one scenario. So the scenario is you and your new friend, whichever one you choose, are driving along in your car and you run over and kill a person. You've got to dispose of the body. Who do you pick? Shit. For some reason I feel like, Oompa Loompas look quite scary, I feel like they'd probably be quite good at disposing a body. I feel like Willy Wonka goes around and tells them what to do and they just do all kinds of crazy things. I mean there are a few bodies that get disposed of in the course of the movie, the original. Well actually that's very true. That's numerous, Oompa Loompas. You've got one. Yeah but he's got fucking life experience, that's better than Tom. Yeah, he's got one experience. Yeah, fair enough. I can't remember what his trait was. he can juggle. Or he can juggle a lot of tasks. can juggle a lot of tasks. He can juggle the bodies. He's allergic to chocolate though. Just as long as you didn't hit Mr Cadbury, I think you're alright. It's got too much trace chocolate on him, he'd be fucked. I think the Oompa Loompa is clearly the better choice. I don't think the clown would be much help. He hasn't got any legs. He can't really lift the body or dispose of it. No, yeah, has to be the Oompa Loompa. I think that makes sense. Right, let's do one more then. Who's going to go? Who wants to go? I've got a situation for Ben. If you want to grill him for his people, I've got a situation. Come on then. Okay, so Ben, I need an occupation please. Occupation, dog walker. Dog walker, excellent. So we need a trait. Yes, please. They they hold the world record for longest time of ferret kept in your trousers nice. Okay, I was not expecting you to go there that kind of veered off left very very sharply And I need another occupation, please Ben Fuck yeah, fuck it's a porn star Similar similar vibe sword swallower Hello, you there, Ben. Nice. OK, what is their skill and or or a special trait? They are a a professional motocross racer. sick. They're not real, I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. that's great. Really good. Good achievement. Well done. They forever come last, though. They're not they're not very good at it. So they've never won. OK, Mark. What is your situation? My situation is you and your friend are going to have to fight an umpa -lumpa who's allergic to chocolate and a juggler and a vet who also does taekwondo. Right, okay. So basically it's a royal rumble between all of the characters we've made up. Who's going to be your tag team partner, Ben? Well, I'm going to be useless. I'm not going to be able to do anything, so... We're going to rely heavily on the other person. So what did I say? Sword Swallow who is a motocross racer. that it? Or a dog walker who holds the ferret world record for holding a ferret in their trousers. That's difficult because you would think the sword swallower and motocross, they're a more extreme person. They're probably going to be better at fighting. They've also got a sword. Yeah, might be able to throw up a couple of swords for you. Yeah. But how insane do you have to be to put a ferret down your trousers? Yeah, you've got to be good at movement. I mean you're going up against a Taekwondo instructor. Yeah. And also how this dog walker could be anyone. It could be like Arnie. Do you know what mean? It could be like, I mean they're gonna, they're probably quite strong, strong and healthy. No, the, what I neglected to include is that the dog walker is actually Godzilla. you go. shit bro. So I'm picking dog walking Godzilla with ferrets down. Yeah, it's wearing chinos and it's got It's got some ferrets in there. It can let the ferrets loose. They can join the battle. Nice. So that's my final choice. Godzilla dog walking ferret man. He's a ferret man. And I get to just sit back and do nothing. Well, we hope you enjoyed our fifth episode. think, I think that's it. Is that our fifth episode we've just done? I don't know. I mean, we definitely haven't recorded these all back to back. So who knows? Who fucking knows, mate? If you've got any thoughts, questions or corrections, or you even know what episode you've just listened to, then reach out to us at our Instagram. If it's, if it's five episodes you've listened to, then indicate to us that you've listened by giving us a five star review on whatever. podcast platform you're listening to and reach out to us at wonderfullyininformed on Instagram and I'm sorry Tom, bye. I'm happy to know that I can now count to five. So yeah, five episodes, one, two, three, four, five. Don't forget to subscribe, rate or leave a review on whatever podcast platform you're listening on. It will help us grow and ensure that more wonderfully ill -informed individuals like yourself can discover our show. If you want to just... crank up our plays you could just play this to your dogs when you're out at work. Just an idea. Yeah if you don't like our podcast just show it to your cat. We'll see you guys next week let's stop this now. Goodbye. Bye everyone. Well that was bullshit. That's gonna be so fun to edit. Wait is that four? That was five. five, that was five. You literally counted to five. yeah, I forgot.

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