Wonderfully Illinformed

#9 Crazy Taxidermy - The Pumping, The Rubbing and The Sucking - Old Man Yells At Cloud

Ben, Mark, Thomas Episode 9


In this episode of Wonderfully Ill Informed, we engage in a humorous and unpredictable discussion covering a variety of topics, including a whimsical 'would you rather' question about body parts, the intelligence of animals, the bizarre world of taxidermy, the evolution of vacuum cleaners, and the complexities of Gen Z slang. We also play a fun game of movie mashups.


podcast, humor, taxidermy, animal intelligence, vacuum cleaners, Gen Z slang, movie mashups, comedy, discussion


  • A 'would you rather' question leads to a lively debate.
  • Animal intelligence is explored.
  • Taxidermy is discussed in a humorous context.
  • The evolution of vacuum cleaners is surprisingly engaging.
  • Gen Z slang is confusing for older generations.

Mentioned Links

Fake Taxidermy
Pencil Case
Disney Song
Doc Brown

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Ben, Mark, Tom and "The Nameless Wonder" (AI Co-Host)


Mixed by: Strike Productions
Edited by: Ben
Music by: Tom
Scripting by: Mark
Logo by: Holly

Crazy taxidermy, the pumping, the rubbing and the sucking. Old man yells at cloud. Yeah, give us 500 quid for one ticket, you fucking cunt. No, you just said like you're on Coronation Street now. Cue Coronation Street music, which I can't remember how it goes. Coronation Street. They're so wonderfully ill informed. and welcome to Wonderfully Ill Informed, the podcast where we convert interesting, funny or informative things from our week into quotes, put them into a randomizer, take our best shot at guessing what they're about, and then jump to a discussion. Join us for some rather unpredictable chats on Wonderfully Ill Informed. I'm Mark. I'm Ben. And I'm Tom. This week, as ever, I'm going to ask you guys a little question. I put out a little poll and asked for some questions, some submissions. through our Instagram. This one didn't come through that. So it was pointless. Right, got ya. But this one came from a friend of the show, Chloe. Chloe asks, would you rather have fingers the size of legs or legs that are the size of fingers? Having massive fingers would be more awkward. than having essentially no legs. You could just use a wheelchair at that point. Yeah, yeah, I'm with you. That seems like the logical answer is I'd have tiny legs, please. Little finger It depends on what you do with your legs, I guess. Like, if you were a runner or you played football, let's say you're a footballer, you probably want your legs. Doesn't really matter, unless you're in goal, in which case you really, yeah, well, you've got massive hands flailing around. Yeah, if you've got giant leg fingers, you could just scurry along like a spider. Yeah. Yeah, you could. That would be weird. You'd actually be able to kick the ball better because you've got more legs. You'd have 12 legs. Or would it be a handball in that case? No, it'd be a... I don't know. No, but you don't swap... It's just the sizes, right? It's not the... Yeah, that's true. Let's do your fingers. That's what I'm saying. So if you're using your giant leg fingers that are fingers, then technically that's a handball. So maybe not so good for football. Yeah, that's true. And have I got the concept wrong? I thought that it was the size of... So it's not that... your legs are fingers, it's just that your legs are still legs, but they're just the size of fingers. Yeah. Yeah. I'm struggling to visualise my hands just having big fingers and not having entire legs on the ends of my hands. Or even palms. It's not saying that the palm of your hand is any bigger. That's the same size. Yeah. The palm of your hand is exactly the same size. And then you have a thigh that comes just out. So I'm still confused as to what it is. Let's just clarify. Let's just clarify. Just so... Did I read it out again? The users and myself aren't confused. Are we talking about having legs the size of fingers? So really small legs. Tiny legs, but they're still legs. Or fingers that are legs, but they're big. No, the fingers are still fingers, but they're the size of a leg. Yeah. So I don't understand going back to what you said about handball, Ben, how it would be handball. Because if you're running along on your leg sized finger hands, And you flick, essentially flick the ball with your finger that is the size of a leg. That's part of your hand. So that is a hand ball. Yeah. Yeah. But why would you do that? No. Yeah. I was saying about you've got tiny little legs that the size of you can't kick it. no, you don't. You don't. don't think you're stuck with one or the other. I don't think if you have I don't think you have to play football in this is true. This is entirely most of this conversation is entirely around being a football player. The scenario we've created is within football. So I feel that this is true. If you've got a big fingers or big hands, then you go and go. And then if you're an outfield player, you just have the small little fingers with the big legs job done. And what, when you want to drive your car? No, Tom solved it. Tom's absolutely solved it. I mean, if you're a footballer, you're probably rich. So the footballers get paid an absurd amount of money. You don't need to drive. You can just get some people to show for you. I love that nowhere in the question has anything to do with football. He didn't say anything about football. But yeah. So what would I prefer? Probably just shitty little tiny legs. You'd rather have tiny legs? Yeah, I think I'll go with that. Tom would have tiny legs. I would have giant fingers. You would have giant fingers. I'm gonna say... No, hang on. No, no, I said the other way, didn't I? I said tiny legs. Tiny legs is the right one. Tiny legs. Full tors. Yeah, yeah, Tiny legs. Everybody has tiny legs. I love it. Classic Ben answer. Tiny legs is the right one. Of course. Yeah. Ben is the arbiter of all answers. That's the logical answer, so it's the correct answer. There are lot of things out there that dictate that having no legs would be a much easier life because that's much more normal in a day -to -day setting than people with elephantitis exclusively on their hands, which is kind of what that was. And on the elephantitis note, shall we move into the quote? Is that what elephants do? No. Was that just because it rhymed? I mean, I realised that it rhymed as I said it wasn't because I didn't say it because it rhymed. I was just kind of trying to just move this on. Well, forward to your quote about elephantitis now, Tom. Shall we get on with it? Yeah. That's one of mine. What do you guys think it is? I mean, it's a statement, isn't it really? It is. I realize this isn't really going to... There's not really much you can get off of this, but what could it possibly be? What could it mean? Is it about a particular animal doing something particularly majestic then? No, it's more of a blanket statement. There's no... particular animal involved in this. There's not like a panda bears just done something really clever. yeah pandas are well known for being majestic. Yeah, yeah, this is true pandas are fucking morons. So yeah, probably the worst. Yeah, I'm trying to think what animal is majestic and just off the top of my head I've got nothing. All my brain goes to is a video that I saw the other day of a griller in a zoo. and there was a little girl that had her iPad and was showing the gorilla the iPad and he was kind of getting all into it and then he was like flicking the screen and then she was just flicking the iPad and changing the video like on shorts. knew how to get to the next thing. Well, I don't know if he actually knew, like let's face it, he probably didn't know what he was doing. He was almost just gesturing like more like next kind of Yeah, showing me the next thing. I mean, they're pretty intelligent. As we know from previous episodes. Yes, this is true. I've seen videos of, again, same thing. Someone, they're at a zoo and there's a monkey of some kind or an ape in an enclosure and it's gesturing to them, being like pointing, saying like it wants this particular thing. And it gets them to go into their bag and they pull out some food. It then gestures over to the side of the enclosure where there's like a grate where they can give it to them. cool. So yeah, it's like You get that out and you give it to me over there. Yeah, that's really clever. So they are very smart. Well, you say that. I'm pretty sure I've seen this like a monkey drink its own piss. Yeah, but it's sterile and I like the taste. Yeah, dodgeball. I actually incidentally talking about pointing and animals. I was watching typically for me. It won't be any surprise that I watched a show on Netflix called Inside the Mind of Dogs because Cause Mark is a dog. I am a dog man. Hear me roar. but yeah, so in that documentary, they were talking about how it's been discovered that dogs are actually way, way cleverer than, than we once thought when, you know, when people started training dogs. a lot of the documentary was about like service dogs and things. They were talking about how dogs are one of very few animals. I think they actually said that they're better at it than. monkeys and or apes, at understanding pointing. So from a very young age, what differentiates them from wolves is the fact that they can understand pointing, whereas wolves can't. What you mean someone, if we point at something they know what that means? Yeah, yeah, they will follow that point and you can point at a thing and a dog knows that you want it to go there from a very young age. And a monkey... doesn't understand that as well. A monkey needs to be trained that, whereas a dog will innately pick that up very, like, because they kind of do that themselves. wow. What animals are majestic? Yeah, well. And I tell you what, before you start, Ben, it better be a bloody monkey or a dog. Well, it might be. Do you want to click on the link and play this video for us, As humans, we're very human centric. We are struggling with our relationship with animals. I'm Kate Clark. I combine humans and animals. I transformed the animal to talk about something different. The eyes, the brows. they're just awesome. It's horrible. Why is she putting animals faces on, sorry, humans faces on animals? Yeah, what we're seeing here is a lady that is adding human faces to various animals. There was a zebra, a deer, a black bear. I put scrap leather over a clay. I'll stitch it and pin it. Animals are majestic. They're just horrifying. It's really disturbing. I would believe that is a real human face. It looks like something off of labyrinth. Do remember that? Yeah, or like, animorphs. Yeah, yeah, it's like a half -animal. You know, the transitions on those. I don't know if... they were actual, I don't think they were taxidermied animals were they? Had she crafted them as well as the face? No, I think she'd, I think she'd chopped the head off of a deer, like a deer carcass, and then had, well it looked like she'd chopped the head off a fucking person, and then stretched the rest of the deer's skin over the person's face, and then plopped that back onto the deer. It was fucked. In like two months time, there's going to be a new story that comes out that says woman arrested for cutting heads off real people and sticking them on animals. She's like, she's the new animal Ed Gein. Yeah. She's been grave robbing. Have you seen the guy on, well, just on either on YouTube or something where he turns rats into pencil cases and like uses their bums as like sharpeners and stuff? no. I'm not cool with that. I've not seen please find a clip by this This is a rock real rock that I've made into a pencil case. I give him googly eyes funny in it you can then shake the rock around the leg Kim weird I can make it go all grommet on you That's it grommet you can open the zip on the rock as well inside of it put the little pencil You can sharpen the pencil in its arsehole. He's so calm. You sharpen a pencil in its arsehole. Wow, those two murderous fleshlings are giving off some serious Dr. Frankenstein vibes. But they did teach us two things. Animals are definitely not majestic, and even art can be scary. On the plus side, the woman seemed to have amassed almost an entire football team's worth of animal -human hybrids. The gentleman from the north of England, unfortunately, chose one of the smaller mammals available for his team. and I fear he will not win when they face off next week in the taxidermy derby. Nice play from Ben Baer, making easy work of it. Nice action, nice crank and bellows. Nice action, nice crank and bellows. If that's how spell bellows, I probably spell it wrong. I was not meant to be three L's, but anyway. Well, I don't think I had three L's, no. It's not about wanking, I'm assuming. No. Nice action, nice crank, and then I bellow. Sorry. Nice action makes me think of guitars. but I can't see how Crank or Bellows would fit into that. That would be very weird guitar. Yeah, as always with our system, the quotes are so random and out of context. Yeah, that's true. So is this an actual quote that somebody said? Yeah, they quite literally say it in the video. The only instrument I can think that has a bellows... It's not an instrument. fuck. Shit. We're good at that. We're good at getting ourselves down one path thinking it's the first thing we mentioned. So how does this relate to football guys? Is this about the offside role? Okay, well how about this Mark? Do you want to explain the offside role? Yes. the defender on the opposing side... I'm going to get this right. I'm going to get this right. Please get it Say I'm describing this from the attacking side. So if my closest striker to the goalie is past the last defender when I kick the ball, then he is offside or she. Yeah, that is right. Yes. Should we just get into it? Because think we've unless you want to have more guesses. mean, I don't know if we've even had one guess yet, but yeah, let's make what is it? Okay, right. Here is my I have seen this. Yeah, I saw this on the screen a second ago and I was like, I've seen this video. there you go. That's good. How did you not get the quote right? did it? Because I obviously wasn't listening to what it was doing. was just like, that's weird. Right, play us the video and let's act like we haven't seen it. The Reeves pneumatic broom doesn't sweep very much up at a time. Nearly got that bit of dirt. This is the Daisy number two. Nice action, nice crank and bellows, but I don't actually think it's getting anything off the carpet. for the listeners who can't see the video, it's a man from the like seventies. So it looks around about that time. I think so. And he's going through old, various old Hoovers and testing them out on a rug to see how well they perform. And some of them are pretty freaking crazy. I mean, there's one where he's having to, I don't know, was he pumping something, pumping something with his right hand and then pushing the other. mean, there's so much movement having to be done in order to suck up basically nothing. Yeah. In some cases, in some cases he was rubbing it all over the rug and nothing was fucking happening. These are not from the seventies though. These are older than that. Yeah. These have got to be from like the 1800s or something. 1800s. I felt like it was like him being like, these are the newest inventions that everybody's got. Like we've been, we know what a vacuum cleaner is. So this is, this is me trying out all the newest models. Right. So it wasn't from the 1800s. Apparently the first vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901. Hmm. Electric or? Yeah. was going to say 1901, Hubic Cecil Booth invents the first successful vacuum cleaner. In 1907, James Murray Spangler invents the first domestic single operator upright vacuum cleaner. Single operator. That means the only one per... So previous to that, the first one was like two or three people all getting at it. Which is why, yeah, whatever that makes sense because the guy was trying to pump and then trying to hoover. there must have been, it must have been a two man job. So someone's doing the pumping and then the other person was doing the moving around and sucking. And then it wasn't until sorry you guys six describing the pumping and the rubbing yeah, and the sucking It wasn't until 1908 when old Williams just tried to carry on keeping on track to get the job because we know this one We all everyone knows William Henry Hoover Produces the first commercial bag on a stick upright vacuum cleaner. I mean wait a minute Did I'm assuming he invented the Hoover? Yeah, but he didn't invent the Henry Hoover. No, no, no, so the word Was he Henry? Was his name also Henry? That's what's making me laugh because his name is William Henry Hoover. They're like, fuck you, we're going to use your name. he invented Hoover and then I feel like Henry Hoovers were like, let's just call ours Henry Hoovers and there'll be another company in a couple of years that will call their Hoover William Henry Hoover. I think it popped up in my feed because recently Holly and I purchased a new Hoover for the house and... So did I. Maybe that's why I also saw it. Yeah, the excitement that is brought to our household is tenfold. It's ridiculous, isn't it? You buy something like that and you're like, I'll do the hoovering now. This is fun. I got this new toy. It's good, a good action. Yeah, great crank. Excellent bellows. Fantastic. And yeah, now, yeah, we've both become obsessed like Holly's like, I hoovered this the other day. I'm like, yeah, sick. So I made the realization the other day that I've never been called. But I used to, you I then let's just end it there. I realised the other day, I've never been called. Curtains closed. Well, The little girth maid. Yeah. I mean, is this some really disgusting porno that you watch that's based on the little mermaid? It's not, although it does sound as though it's a porno. Is it just a chunky mermaid? She girthy. No, it's not. It's not. I mean, has she got a girthy tail? She's like her similar to what we had a discussion at the beginning of the show. Her legs, which she hasn't got, she's got a towel, is actually like really, really fucking big. She's all tail, tiny, tiny body. She's just like, I was gonna say she's human size and got the towel of like a whale. Something I learned today that this might be something that other people knew, but I didn't. Did you know that orcas aren't whales? They are, they're like dolphins essentially. I feel like I kind of vaguely knew that but then I feel like I say that a lot. Yeah, I just never knew that they were like a dolphin. Just fucking huge. Has it ruined Free Willy for you, Ben? Fucking dolphins shouldn't be getting out of the water like that. It's not allowed. There's a thing called a false killer whale as well. Right. Look that up, Tom. They look scary as hell. damn. Horrifying. They look like sharks. That's not real. I don't believe it. Apparently it is. No way. It looks like a black dolphin. That's all it looks like. Yeah. That's weird. I don't know whether that's a whale or a dolphin. didn't look into it that far. So basically for the listener, they're basically like, they look like dolphins to me that are black but have really big teeth. Yeah. They almost actually look like alien. Yeah, they do actually. The aliens from Alien. Actually, the thing that I heard it on, they said that it looks like a killer whale. crossed with a xenomorph. That's what they said. So you're spot on Mark. So is the girth maid, is it a xenomorph? No, the girth maid is not a xenomorph. And incidentally, the weird thing is that the little girth maid, the little mermaid in fact, the namesake of this title has absolutely nothing to do with the song that you're about to hear. I'm sorry. It's a little Disney song, but not quite. Let's enjoy. When I drop freeze You guys don't get any of this do you? But they This annoys me He's such a fucking good singer! I have to say, I don't have a fucking clue. He's just talking in Gen Z and I don't understand. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let's just address the big elephant in the room. Why is that come up on your feed? Because you are not in that era. No, no, I know. You're fucking old, Mark. You don't It's nothing to do. Yeah, I am way too old to be coming across that shit. I mean, I don't even know what those words are. I've just, only reason I've heard them before is because I've seen like a TikTok or whatever, of a parent jokingly around saying them to their child. Out of context normally. Yeah, like they know what I mean. annoy them. They just sound stupid. This conversation is making me very sad. It's making me feel very old and I don't like it. Listen, I don't give a fuck because those people that... like all those words aren't probably going to be listening to our podcast. if you do, hang on those people that like all those words, you've never sounded more like an old man. mean, our demographic is definitely above the age of most of the people using these words. yeah, I thought we could have a bit of fun trying to work out what some of it meant. Right. Well, I know what Riz is. Yes. We all know what Riz is. That's like swag, is it? Yeah. Yeah. It's having charisma. Yeah. Right. What was the other ones? There's actually go through this. Yeah, yeah. So a Gjat. Do you guys know what a Gjat is? Is it a bum? Yeah. It's a, it's a, I believe it's a big round butt. It's a nice butt. So I've got that right. Do you guys know, these are just off the top of my head. Do you guys know what a Blumpkin is? No. This is not a Gen Z thing as far as - I thought Blumpkin was like a sex thing, like a Cleveland steamer. Yes, it is. I don't know what it is. I feel like I've heard you or Brandon say it before. We've definitely heard. Friend of the show, Brandon. Our resident American friend. He did teach us what this meant many years ago. I don't know why he knows, but it's getting a blowjob while sitting on the toilet taking a shit is getting a bump, Yeah, that does sound familiar. Mogging. I can't remember what it means to you guys. feel like mogging is like one -upping in some way. Google's definition of mogging, the AI overview gave me. Mogging is a term used to describe someone who is more attractive, successful or skilled than others. So I was kind of right with one -upping. Yeah. It annoys me so much because at least when we were young, our words made sense. Do they not? Yeah, they were like shortened versions of words. They were like, we'd be cutting things short and things like that. Yeah. Did we really have like made up words for things? What about fat? PH fat. is that? Yeah. I suppose that's, that's on the borderline. And saying sick to mean something good. That also... is the opposite of what it means. That's true. So it's just because we understand them. But yeah, for me, for me, that video was great in terms of the singer was was a really good singer. He's an excellent singer. And I like that he's kind of doing a parody. That's all cool. don't do all that fucking new word shit. I didn't understand what the song is. You're alienating like, you're alienating a lot of your demographic if you want that to go viral. Probably not his demographic. No, but he's alienating a lot of other people. Yeah, but you could argue by not including those words, he's alienating the demographic that know those words. Yeah, I would like it if there was a translation below it for our generation all the way through. It's like, do you know Doc Brown, the comedian? Yeah, yeah, I love Doc He did a thing that was a translation like, it was on Russell Howe's Good News, and he basically had like slang terms and he would then explain what they actually meant. Yeah, yeah. Let me see if I can find it. Well, here's some believable features that you could add. I switched on in blood. I went a bit mad. I sparked him in the grill then I bounced in the whip. I hit him in the mouth then I fled in my car. It wasn't my thing. It wasn't very hard. I licked one gush. I met a young lass. I walked that night. We had sex, alright? Trust, I bust a nut and I'm Audi. I ejaculated loudly and walked off proudly. So many charming phrases that you might miss if they aren't The sad thing is that that video is probably about 15 years old now. So all of those things are also going to be way out of date. Yeah, man. I mean, there's some of it that is still used, I'm sure. I don't know. We have no place I'm not exactly down with the kids. No. Apart from, I mean, my algorithm does actually seem to indicate that I am actually, in fact, down with the kids. I think you're fine. Mark's the coolest, youngest of all of us. You are actually the youngest of all of Yeah, I am the youngest. Not by very far. It just makes me think of the... Hello there fellow kids or whatever it is the Steve Ruscha meme. I was thinking, Hi kids, do you like violence? See me sticking my nails in each one of my eyelids. Want to copy me and do exactly how I did? getting These young kids are actually Gen Alpha and they're kind of fire. They might even be mogging in some ways. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from them. You know, like, let's not be chuggy or mid, am I right? I for one find myself simping at how gassed the new gin is. Well, what a performance we've seen today. I'm so proud of my boys and what they achieved in 90 minutes. They had the field in the palms of their leg fingers. Or was it finger legs? With the game over, I'm surplus to requirements. So it's over to the locker room. to see how the lads are going cool down after all of that. Now it's time for Ben's Amazing Game. Do we want to play it or do we want to go to bed? Do you want to play it or do you want to go to bed, Tom? No, I'm up for it. So after last week's definitely a game that we definitely played a game last week, didn't we? That was it. Yeah, yeah, that was a game. Nobody can dispute that we did play a game. Yeah, I asked you loads of questions, didn't I? And then we put that out on the podcast and everybody enjoyed it. Yeah, yeah, I didn't cut any of it out. Don't worry, Mark. It was all there. Yeah, good, good. Based on... There's no gaming, eh? What we were talking about last week, we alluded to doing, and then I basically cut Tom off because I was like, well, hang on a minute, I was going to do this. So now I'm going to do this. Essentially, this is a game of mashing up two titles of things. It could be a movie, could be... I've forgotten all the other things I've done. TV show. That might be it. I'm going to give you an example of what you gave us last time, Mark, when Tom gave us his excellent A Beautiful Mind Shindra's List. That was still amazing, I still can't get over that. still don't think anyone knows what that meant. I still don't know. There's irony in it. it's not beautiful. So can we just clarify, do we want to call Schindler's List a beautiful mind? Well let's not worry about that because I think we went over it in the episode. I don't think we did, not enough. What I have done, I've got an example here which is the one that you gave, Mark. And the way that I'm going to do this is I'm going to give you a description of a film. But that film is a mashup of two things. you need to give me the answer of what it is. I love this. But so the example that I've got here for you is John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematical genius, operates the FBI's behavioral science unit in Quantico, Virginia. So what is what is the mashup of two? This one isn't two films, this is a film in a TV show. Yeah, that's a beautiful mindhunter. It's a beautiful mindhunter. Do you get that, Tom is confused. So plot of the film that Ben describes is meshing together two films and we have to give him the film. I get the concept, but I haven't watched either of those things. It makes it a lot harder. I feel like I'm going to win this. I'm feeling confident. There's no winners, Mark. We don't keep points on this show. We have to tell you this every time. If you get any of them right, then I'm deeming myself the winner because I've written a successful description. I think the success should be based on whether we enjoy the game. Well, fuck you, Tom. You're probably not going to enjoy my game. Grumpy Tom, grumpy Tom. We do need a grumpy Tom theme song. I feel like to the tune of Spider -Man, are we going to go grumpy Tom, grumpy Tom? Every week he's a grumpy Tom. Well, I look forward to producing that for this episode. Right, the first clue, description, so these are both movies. It's Batman, James Gordon and Harvey Dent must work together to put an end to an assault from reanimated corpses. Did you say James Corden? James Gordon. Batman, James Gordon and Harvey Dent must work together to put an end to an assault from reanimated corpses. So that was... It was obviously Batman and something else. Yeah, so that's... God, I'm trying remember the name. The Dark Knight, isn't it? Yep. So a dark knight of the living dead? The Dark Knight of the Living Dead, yep. That was fun. Tom still looks confused. Do you understand the game, Tom? I know I get the game. It's just like I have to think. don't really listen. I watch a lot of movies and I enjoy them in that moment. And then I forget about them. Right. Well then in that case, I'm going to take this game as a success if Tom gets a single one right. And Mark, you're going to carry us here. You're going to you're going to get them for us because otherwise we're going to get... I'll go make a cup of tea. I'm joking. Come on, let's go. Right. Next one. Wisecracking Antihero breaks the fourth wall. while trying his luck as a new recruit alongside the man of 10 ,000 sound effects. that's, shit. The cop school thing is the second half. Yeah. What's that called? And who might a wisecracking anti -hero be? I know who that is. I'm leaving that one to Tom. well, Deadpool. Yeah. God. It's like a training academy. Police training academy. You've said all the words that are involved in there, you just had too many of them. it dead police academy? Dead police academy, yes. Thank you. There we go, we got there eventually. flying words. Yeah, that was hard. Yeah. Okay, next one. This one's stupid. A popular teenage athlete and an academically gifted girl sing about being chosen to work on the top secret Manhattan project. Isn't that Oppenheimer? Oppenheimer, that's it. What was the first half? Popular teenage athlete and an academically gifted girl. I thought you were going to do it then, Mark. You had some compliments in your face. I feel like I know the two movies. I'm now just trying to mesh the two things together. So high school Moppenheimer. No, try the other way around. Oppen High School Musical. Yeah, Oppen High School Musical. Tom doesn't look pleased by that one. I just had the, I was thinking about an athlete and I was just thinking about the diver for some reason. The young diver that's like the Olympic athlete that is not young anymore, I guess. Tom Daley. Tom Daley. Fair play. So we just lost Tom to daydreaming about Tom Daley. distracted thinking about Tom He's so dreamy. Right, this is the last of the movie ones. Say hello to my little friend John Travolta who has just had major plastic surgery. Scarface off. Boom. That was excellent. Right, there's not too many more. That's fine, I fucking love it. I feel very bad for Tom because I am absolutely loving this. It's very Radio 4, isn't it? I don't feel like it is. It is, too. Right. We're now moving to TV shows. Yeah. Four foul -mouthed fourth graders living in Pawnee, Indiana, work to get a construction pit filled in. South Parks and Rec. South Parks and Rec, yes. I originally had Jurassic Parks and Rec. That would have been good. Leslie Knope and a ragtag group. Struggle to keep together a dinosaur park while everything falls apart and everybody gets killed Tom I think you might be able to get this one. So pay attention Don't give me too much credit an American football coach is hired to manage an Irish parish So Snoop Dogg Shit a different football coach a different football coach from the Apple series, what's it called? Ted. Yeah. Ted Lasso, isn't it? Yeah. So what might be an Irish parish? It's sort of the, what's that comedians with the girls? Dairy girls? Dairy girls. This is an old nineties Irish comedy. It's to do with Father Ted, isn't Yeah. So maybe merge those two together. Father Ted Lasso. Father Ted Lasso. Okay. This is the last one and This is just one that I found funny and it's not two things of the same thing. This is, well, it should be obvious. On this doomed maiden voyage, the band went down with the ship while singing How You Remind Me. that Westlife? No. no, Nickelback. Titanicleback? Titanicleback, yes. I like that. I couldn't get one to work with Titanic. The original one I had was Titanic and Nora's infinite playlist. That was the only one I could find that started with the word Nick. I tried that on my brother and he was like... I don't have a fucking clue what that film is. Well, there you go. I like that. That was fun. I know we said we weren't going to keep score, but I'm pretty sure I won. Yeah, Tom. Congratulations, Tom. Tom is a champion. I really just wanted to scream then. Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this episode of Wonderfully Ill -Informed. If you have any thoughts, questions or corrections, then please send them in to our Instagram. That's Wonderfully Ill -Informed, which is a one word, Wonderfully Ill -Informed. And can I make a special request for opening questions? We're running out. We've only, what, nine episodes in and we're already running out of opening questions. You know, I only have so much creativity and the AI is only so helpful. So if you want to fire those into the Instagram too, that's wonderfully ill informed. Don't forget to subscribe, rate or leave a review on whatever podcast platform you're listening on. It would just help us grow and just become big, cool podcast hosts and maybe make a little bit of money on the side. Who knows? Probably not. But yeah, that's the spirit Tom. If you want to do that, that would really help us say thank you. One thing that I think we have neglected to actually really say in much of the podcast is that everything we talk about And you know the links and the videos and all the things that we're seeing we do include in the show notes of the episode So if you're sure we never said that well, I think we said it in the in the teaser Yeah, but we haven't said it in any other episodes. sorry guys. That's a really good point Ben Yeah me and my wife actually went through them the other day because I was talking to her about it and she hadn't even realized and She hears about the podcast almost every fucking day portal. I'm sorry. Okay So if you've listened to all all of the eight previous episodes and have thought, what the fuck are these guys talking about? Where's this video? I don't know what this noise is meant to be. Was that a groundhog? I don't know. Is his name Chuck? No, because he's called Chunk. He's called Chunk. So yeah, go into the show notes and there'll be all of the little links there for you that we've nicely prepared so you can watch a bunch of videos and see what the fuck we're talking about. And that was great. That was actually a really good An excellent point. Well done. Yeah. I think I have an extra one as well. Can I just say thank you? to the people who actually have reviewed so far as well. Cause we've had like, I think like 13 or more, like I think maybe we might be at 15 now, five star reviews. Yeah. But we appreciate you doing that. We do. But yeah, we do like, we do like five stars. Very kind. Does anyone else have anything else to share? Tom does. Tom? Sharing is caring. I was just expecting Tom to fart into the microphone. okay. I can brew one. Yeah, come on then. And I will mute that and put in the sound of something different instead in post. So enjoy whatever it was I decided to put in there. Bye bye everybody. See you next week. Goodbye. in your house. Do you think we can get away with just playing the secret track from Newfound Glory as the outro music? Apparently nobody's listening, so fuck it. Let's do it. Just don't tell YouTube. YouTube, don't take this down. Someone's here. Everyone puts toothpick on their table. He likes that shish kebab, cause the beef has good flavor. Love it. Everyone has toothpick on their table. We like the dental floss! And the... and straight.

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