Wonderfully Illinformed

#24P2 My Employers are Stingy

Ben, Mark, Thomas Episode 25

In this episode of Wonderfully IllInformed, we don't discuss any randomised and humorous topics. Instead, we have a whole episode of games dreamt up for Episode 24 by Mark.

Mark asks Ben and Tom to predict each other's next move in a hypothetical situation.
He then tasks them with finding and picking an un-re-made Disney Movie that they think would be the prime remake...which spirals out of control.
In our third game, Mark asks Ben and Tom to pick a computer game to be trapped inside as an NPC and what their side-quest would be.
Lastly, in a return to our debating roots (see: The Great Baguette Debate) Ben and Tom battle it out to persuade Mark that their favourite Robin Williams movie is the best.

It's okay, we promise that there is a normal episode on it's way next week!

Games, Computer Games, Disney, Movies, Debate, Comedy, Fallout, Tony Hawk, Powerwash Simulator, NPC, Robin Williams, Questions, Answers, Bambi, Sword in the Stone, The Emperors New Groove, Keanu Reeves, Nick Cage, Ragequit.

The hosts of this show are stingy.
Nerd games might be Mark's speciality.
In Episode 25 we will return to the normal format.

Mentioned Links

Reused Animations

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Thanks again
Ben, Mark, Tom and "The Nameless Wonder" (AI Co-Host)


Mixed by: Strike Productions
Edited by: Ben
Music by: Tom
Scripting by: Mark
Logo by: Holly

00:00:00 The Nameless Wonder

Episode 24, Part 2. My employers are stingy.

00:00:06 24 Voice

Previously on episode 24.

00:00:10 Tom

Did you scream? I didn't scream. I was just like, I think.

00:00:12 Tom

Called it a **** and then.

00:00:32 The Nameless Wonder

They're so wonderfully ill informed.

00:00:36 The Nameless Wonder

Welcome back to Part 2 of Episode 24 of wonderfully ill informed. Usually I would be randomising subjects, but this week things will be a little different. This episode exists mostly because Mark cannot come up with one simple game, and also because your hosts Ben, Mark and Tom.

00:00:56 The Nameless Wonder

Were unwilling to payout for more upload time this month. Enjoy the games. I promise that I will not allow them to overrun ever again.

00:01:09 Tom

Game time.

00:01:10 Ben

Oh, ****. Yeah. Who's doing the game?

00:01:11 Mark

Well, ****, right, well, it's going to be me. I am your game master this evening. I've kind of got accidentally drunk on one beer, so this could get.

00:01:20 Mark

Really, really interesting is.

00:01:22 Ben

That going to have to become a theme for the podcast going forward in every episode, someone has to get accidentally drunk.

00:01:28 Mark

Yeah, surprise drunk. I might turn up to next episode. Surprise drunk. Just open just bowstring.

00:01:33 Mark

Right in. Hammered.

00:01:34 Ben

I'll have a thimble of beer and I'll be absolutely crasted, trollied. Yeah.

00:01:41 Mark

So I did come up with this game sober, so it hopefully will will still work. It's quite simple and it's called What's Your (Nerd) Problem?

00:01:52 Ben


00:01:53 Mark

So I'm I'm going to give you a series of problems that are kind of nerd related. They're from pop culture and that sort of thing, right. So we're going to go in with this one. So this is a little bit of a predicting each other's.

00:02:10 Mark

Move as.

00:02:11 Mark

It were so your opposite host. So Ben, we're going to you're going to be predicting TomTom, you're going to be predicting Ben, OK? Your opposite host has accidentally saved their game right before they died. What do you think is his next move?

00:02:27 Ben

I reckon Tom would.

00:02:28 Tom

Let me just I need to think what I would do. Don't say it.

00:02:30 Mark

Yeah, yeah. Tom needs to think about what you do. Yeah, don't put any.

00:02:33 Mark

In his head, well, I I.

00:02:34 Ben

Know what?

00:02:35 Ben

Would do, yeah, because this happened to me a lot playing Fallout 3, so I do. I do have, I do know.

00:02:42 Ben

I would do OK.

00:02:44 Ben

OK, out on.

00:02:45 Tom

Worked out. Yeah, kind of. Go on. I've I've got an answer for, so I'm obviously not going to say what you.

00:02:51 Ben

So I I think that Tom would rage quit, throw the control of the TV, tear the TV off the wall, and probably just go to bed.

00:03:02 Tom

Yeah. So the other far off I.

00:03:05 Mark

That was also my prediction, I'll.

00:03:07 Tom

Probably blow it up. A good bump bunch of times and try and get past it. Even if I wouldn't accept that, it was inevitable, so I probably would.

00:03:17 Tom

Probably spend too long now, like convincing myself that I can do it when it.

00:03:22 Mark

Yeah, it's fun. Yeah.

00:03:22 Tom

And then after after kind of, probably an hour of wasting my time.

00:03:27 Tom

Then I'd come to the realisation that actually I can't, that this is impossible. And then I had to get ****** ***. Rage call it a **** game and uninstall it and yeah, go to bed.

00:03:38 Mark

Silly and perma. Quit what?

00:03:40 Ben

Do you think I'd do?

00:03:43 Tom

Oh well, you wouldn't waste your time trying to get past it if you knew that. I don't think you'd do what I'd do and try and get past it. I think you'd accept that it wasn't going to happen. And I think I think it depends on how much time you invested, but I kind of feel like you just would just play a different game and.

00:03:58 Tom

Go and just not play the game.

00:04:01 Mark

Give you my.

00:04:02 Mark

My prediction as well for Ben, I reckon Ben would start the game over because his completionist and he wants to still complete the.

00:04:04 Ben


00:04:09 Tom

Game. So it depends on how far you've got in the game.

00:04:11 Mark

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Depending what if he was like, right?

00:04:13 Mark

The final.

00:04:14 Tom

Battle or something? I feel like if if it was just like earlier in the game and you were kind of like you hadn't really got into it into it. I think you basically I thought that's coming off.

00:04:22 Ben

So I would never restart a game. I'm not.

00:04:25 Mark

You wouldn't.

00:04:25 Ben

In any way interested in doing?

00:04:27 Mark

Oh, OK.

00:04:28 Ben

So back in the day, I remember when I was doing this on Fallout 3. I I didn't die, but I got myself glitched into a fence. Oh, amazing. Like caught into a a small gap. Yeah. And I so in that instance, I would I'd load the save and just **** about with the controls to see if I could get myself out.

00:04:46 Ben

Try for a bit. If not, I just load an older save.

00:04:50 Ben

So that's what I do in that instance, but I have had it where.

00:04:55 Ben

I don't know if this counts. I was playing Tony Hawk's Underground and I was quite a long way through and the save file corrupted. So you're thinking Mark, I would start it again and it's just. Well, OK. Well, I'll just play the whole game. I was like, **** this. I'm done with this game.

00:05:03 Tom

That's annoying.

00:05:06 Mark

Yeah, yeah, that would be my prediction.

00:05:12 Mark


00:05:13 Ben

I'm playing something else.

00:05:15 Mark

So it sounds closer to Toms prediction I.

00:05:17 Mark

Maybe, but.

00:05:18 Ben

Yeah, I would. I would, I probably would.

00:05:20 Ben

Try for a bit to see if I can get because I hate having to redo stuff I'm all about just finishing the game now. That's how I play games.

00:05:29 Tom

Bare minimum, just finish it. Basically though that you're sure that you must have 100, there must have been some game that you you kind of went.

00:05:30 Mark

Yeah, just stream through.

00:05:37 Ben

In on, yeah, I just went through and 100% it well, kind of 100%.

00:05:42 Ben

Tony Hawks pro skater one and two remake unlocked all the videos spent like.

00:05:44 Mark

Oh, very good.

00:05:47 Ben

But I know 20 hours on that having already played it for almost 30, so there are some instances where I do that, but normally not normally it's just here's the end credits. Take it off the list play.

00:05:58 Mark

Something else? Yeah. Yeah. Until the next right. What's the next question, man? Yeah, next question, Okay.

00:06:04 Mark

So for this question, you've been hired to write the next Disney movie of all the old movies, or all the Disney movies that you can think.

00:06:12 Mark

Of not the ones that have already been remade. Which one would you choose to remake for Disney? And can you give me like a little quick pitch of how?

00:06:20 Ben

You do it, or so. Hang on. Are we doing this ourselves this time?

00:06:23 Tom

Is that yeah, the the format of the game seems like it's.

00:06:25 Mark

Changed a bit. Oh, no. So this is no guessing. This is just this. So this is randomised questions that I've just come up with.

00:06:31 Tom

Is there any Disney movies that are remade already?

00:06:33 Mark

Yeah. So you've got like, oh, that's a good question.

00:06:36 Ben

Are we talking classic 2D Disney?

00:06:40 Mark

Yeah, yeah, the classic Disney. So you've got.

00:06:42 Mark

Robin Hood.

00:06:44 Mark

Like Snow White.

00:06:45 Tom

Snow White has been done, hasn't it?

00:06:48 Mark

No, not like a good, not like a Disney remake.

00:06:51 Mark

So, like movies that Disney haven't remade, so they have they didn't remake Alice in Wonderland, did they? Someone else made made that beauty and the beast be made drunk? Yeah.

00:07:01 Tom

It's been made to Alice in Wonderland. Don't wonder in my donations. Maleficent. That's Sleeping Beauty in it.

00:07:08 Mark

Oh, is it? Oh, ****. Yeah, my bad. I was thinking that Sleeping Beauty was on the table.

00:07:12 Ben

Aladdin. Sabin Aladdin.

00:07:16 Tom

He's got Will Smith. Oh.

00:07:16 Mark

Yeah, yeah, it.

00:07:18 Mark

Yeah. **** me. Yeah, actually, I think, OK, new question. Can anybody work out a single old Disney movie that hasn't been remade in the last few years?

00:07:29 Ben


00:07:30 Mark

Oh yeah, Fantasia is a good.

00:07:33 Mark

Here we go.

00:07:34 Tom

There are. There are some, so I'm surprised that this first one, Pocahontas.

00:07:39 Mark

Oh, OK. OK. So that's that's on the table. So Pokémon test you can pick from Pokémon test.

00:07:43 Ben

Emperor's new.

00:07:44 Ben

I'm guessing they haven't done a live action one.

00:07:46 Mark

Of that, I'm not aware of that one. No, that's not been.

00:07:48 Tom

Here's a here's a classic Bambi.

00:07:51 Mark

Has Bambi mean? I think Bambi's being remade.

00:07:55 Tom

It hasn't been remade yet, was on this hunch, hunchback and Notre Dame hasn't been remade. Apparently Harris to cats and the MPs. New grooves on here is not being remade then.

00:07:56 Mark

It hasn't. Yeah. Would you like to pick that one?

00:08:01 The Nameless Wonder


00:08:06 Tom

You go cool.

00:08:07 Ben

You go.

00:08:08 Tom

Frozen, tangled sword in the stone. That would be a joy remake.

00:08:11 Mark

Oh, so I think I think from you guys reactions, I would assume that yours is still in the.

00:08:16 Mark

And ban your Emperor's new groove.

00:08:19 Ben

I don't actually know if I've seen Emperor's new Groove. I've played the.

00:08:22 Ben

One game.

00:08:22 Ben

Oh, OK, so that's why I'm kind of aware of.

00:08:25 Tom

This I love to sword sword in the stone is joy, but I definitely I probably would go with poker hunters actually either Pokémon or or hunchback or not. Only because my sister had those on VHS and I've seen them so many times as a child like where she wanted to watch them.

00:08:25 Tom

To be fair.



00:08:42 Ben

OK, see, I'm not a massive Disney fan like I.

00:08:46 Ben

XR technically you could call Studio Ghibli, Disney as well because.

00:08:50 Ben

Kind of.

00:08:50 Mark

Owned by.

00:08:51 Ben

LinkedIn some way, at least they.

00:08:52 Mark

Were that's they count because they haven't been remade, but.

00:08:56 Ben

Well, I don't know what my answer would be, to be honest, because.

00:08:58 Ben

Not a big Disney fan.

00:08:59 Mark

Well, if if the lists, do you know of any? Oh, the rescuers. That's another great one. That one can't be rebate.

00:09:05 Ben

What about the brave little toaster? Is that Disney? I remember really liking that.

00:09:11 Mark

New service.

00:09:12 Ben

Or the land before time is that.

00:09:13 Mark


00:09:15 Mark

I oh, I don't know if that.

00:09:17 Ben

Just thinking about cartoons now.

00:09:17 Tom

I love that. I love that. If that was joy.

00:09:20 Mark

Do I? Yeah. Yeah, it was excellent.

00:09:22 Mark

No, it's not a Disney film, so it doesn't count. Sorry.

00:09:25 Ben


00:09:25 Tom

Have you seen the? Sorry, this is kind of a sidetrack, but not you probably have seen it about the fact that The Jungle Book, like the Mowgli sequence, was like copied from Winnie the Pooh. You seen that?

00:09:40 Ben

Yeah, yeah, they they they do it a lot. There's.

00:09:40 Mark

The dancing.

00:09:42 Mark

One from the Robin Hood they.

00:09:44 Ben

Just basically animate over it. There's there's lots of that in Disney where they just reuse other animations.

00:09:51 Ben

And just add the new character to it because it's cost effective, I think. I think that's why they've done it.

00:09:55 Mark

Yeah. Yeah. Because they're just retracing rather than having to come up with the whole clock.

00:10:00 Mark

I think there's there's definitely one of maybe a chicken talking from the Robin Hood movie The the one with the fox in. Yeah, there's there's at least one of those as well. That or something with Maid Marian, I can't remember.

00:10:14 Tom

This is the one.

00:10:15 Mark

Oh yeah, Jungle Book. And Winnie the Pooh. Yeah, I've seen that one.

00:10:18 Ben

Just say brave little toaster, I think is Disney, it says the rights to the book were required by Walt Disney Studios in 1982. John Lasseter, who I think is the guy from Pixar? Yeah, then employed at Disney, wanted to do a computer animated film based on.


Ah well.

00:10:33 Ben

On it, but it was turned down, so maybe they didn't do it. Don't know. Either way, that's my answer. I remember really liking that.

00:10:36 Mark

Ah, OK.

00:10:41 Mark

OK. Oh, I'll allow. I'll allow it. They're good choices. They're both good choices. That was a fun little rabbit hole. Guys, I'd appreciate that. We've not really gone down the actual route of that question, but.

00:10:45 Ben


00:10:53 Ben

Wow, that's that's the the theme of this podcast, isn't it?

00:10:57 Mark

OK, so I'm going to ask you to I've got two more for you. So this next one is a little bit of a creative one.

00:11:04 Mark

Again, so you've been turned into an MPC in a video game of your choice. What is the side quest that you would create? And yeah, how can you make the characters care about?

00:11:15 Ben

It I'm trying to think of what video game world would I like to live in first.

00:11:20 Mark

Yeah, that's a good yeah.

00:11:21 Ben

Can I be an MPC in a Tony?

00:11:23 Ben

'S game.

00:11:24 Ben

Just be some rad dude with escape.

00:11:24 Mark


00:11:26 Ben

Board being like, hey, can you can you go get my shoes? I've dropped them all around the town. I have 10 feet. Apparently they'll find all my shoes for me and bring them back. And I'll give you a cheeseburger.

00:11:37 Mark

I've got an Osiris sponsorship.

00:11:40 Ben

Look at my massive Osiris D3 stupid shoes that I thought were cool when I was 14.

00:11:45 Mark

I don't say you do still have GPU Ben, so being a cool dude might be an.

00:11:50 Ben


00:11:51 Mark

You can dress up.

00:11:51 Ben

So they'll have to just the the quest is given by the knocking on my door and I answer through my doorbell camera. I didn't do it that.

00:11:58 Mark

Yeah. That. No, thank you. Not today.

00:12:02 Mark

There anything you can go through the character creation? I I seem to remember that all of your characters always have like.

00:12:08 Mark

Green Mohawk do.

00:12:09 Mark

They oh ****. It might have been down on.

00:12:12 Mark

Of the old games, yeah.

00:12:13 Tom

What friend of the?

00:12:13 Mark

Showdown someone used to always set their hair as like the spikiest option possible and it was always great.

00:12:17 Ben

That would. Yeah, I think that would be because Dan had green hair at one point, didn't.

00:12:21 Ben

I've never had green hair. What was your time? I've dyed my hair. I sprayed it black to be Rios.

00:12:22 Mark


00:12:23 Mark


00:12:27 Tom

I think it blew you. I've seen you in a.

00:12:27 Mark

It was.

00:12:29 Tom

Mohawk once was it black.

00:12:30 Ben

Yeah, it was blue. Was it? I've never dyed my hair. I had a Mohawk.

00:12:31 Tom


00:12:33 Tom

No, no, you didn't diet. You sprayed it blue. You definitely had.

00:12:36 Ben

Yeah. Did I okay?

00:12:36 Tom

Blue Mulberry.

00:12:37 Mark

Stories about Ben's life from other.

00:12:39 Mark

'S perspective.

00:12:40 Ben

Anyway, that's a tangent.

00:12:42 Ben

What was your?

00:12:43 Ben

What was your quest? Be? In what game, Tom?

00:12:45 Mark


00:12:45 Tom

I don't know.

00:12:47 Ben

Would it be a hairdressing simulator and I'm coming in to get my Mohawk?

00:12:50 Tom

It's definitely not going to be James's favourite game friend of the show, James, which is like car wash simulator or something like that. Power Wash simulator? ******* hell.

00:12:50 Ben


00:12:51 Tom


00:12:57 Ben

Have a wash simulator.

00:13:00 Ben

I downloaded a demo of that on my switch and I haven't played it yet. Mike bought it and it made him motion sick, so he got a refund for it.

00:13:09 Tom

Oh my God.

00:13:10 Tom


00:13:11 Ben

He said it.

00:13:12 Ben

Felt really bad about doing it. He's never like, yeah, you know how the steam refunds if you just play it for less than two hours, they'll just refund it for you, even if for no reason. Oh, OK. He's he's never done that. And he he got that game refunded, and he felt really bad about doing it. It was like, I can't play it. It makes me feel sick.

00:13:28 Mark

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's fair enough. I can't imagine that going to be particularly like parallaxy, but.

00:13:30 Tom

Yes, so yeah, weird.

00:13:33 Tom

James loves it, mate. I'm like, why is

00:13:36 Tom

What's real stuff?

00:13:37 Mark

To start a side business of going and washing people's.

00:13:39 Tom

Cars. Yeah, and make.

00:13:40 Ben

Money. There's one thing in it where you can power wash the entire Croft Manor from Tomb Raider.

00:13:46 Mark

Amazing. I feel like that's probably one of the things that James James is probably doing that right now.

00:13:46 Tom


00:13:52 Tom

Maybe I'd be a. Yeah. I've never played that game, but maybe I'd just be a.

00:13:56 Tom

I'd be an MPC in in James's game and just make everything that he cleans dirty.



00:14:03 Mark

Yeah, just keep on pointing at stuff.

00:14:03 Ben

I'd see my mind just went to Tom's just laying down like Tom Selleck and he's being power washed by James.

00:14:10 Mark

Wash me James wash me clean!

00:14:15 Mark

I can just imagine like that. It's just a never ending level when it gets to you, Tom.

00:14:19 Mark

You're just like and now watch.

00:14:20 Tom

This you missed a bit. You missed a bit. You missed a bit.

00:14:23 Mark

Yeah, I'm sorry. There's a little bit down there and it just keeps on zooming and zooming.

00:14:26 Tom

You didn't have a proper job.

00:14:30 Mark

Try harder next time. And yes, there's no safe points and.

00:14:35 Tom


00:14:36 Mark

That's. Yeah, I like it. Great stuff. I appreciate your side quests, boys, so we're on to our final. We're on to our final debate. This is this is just a straight up debate for us to close out our game.

00:14:50 Mark

I'm going to adjudicate. I'm not going to do much to adjudicate. I'm just going to let you guys free form debate on the subject, and I might just throw in some some random comments throughout.

00:15:00 Mark

Have you both seen Con Air and Face Off?

00:15:04 Tom

Yeah, I can't remember Conair Ben probably hasn't seen.

00:15:07 Ben

Either. No, no, I haven't seen either. They've got Nicholas cage. No one of them got Nicholas Cage.

00:15:11 Ben

Know that.

00:15:12 Mark

They both have Nicolas Cage.

00:15:14 Ben

I have not seen them when you said Conair. In my mind, I saw Leslie Nielsen in the cockpit of the aeroplane.

00:15:19 Mark


00:15:22 Ben


00:15:23 Mark

OK, so skipping to my next option, so rather than Nicholas Cage off, I now have a three-way Keanu Reeves off.

00:15:31 Tom

Is it John Wick 1-2 and three?

00:15:33 Mark

I wish. No. It's the John Wick series, The Matrix series, or the bill and Ted series.

00:15:39 Mark

Can either of you take sides on any of those?

00:15:42 Ben

So I I have seen the matrix, the first one at the very least don't remember it. I have seen Bill and Ted the.

00:15:51 Tom

Yeah, can't remember.

00:15:51 Ben

First one don't.

00:15:52 Ben

They play chess with death in one of them. That's the second. OK, well.

00:15:54 Mark

That's the second one.

00:15:57 Mark

I think some of that one.



00:16:01 Ben

I couldn't. I couldn't fight any.

00:16:03 Tom

Of these.

00:16:03 Tom

What movies? Is there any movies? Oh, sorry. Any actors that's been in a series.

00:16:09 Tom

Of movies or multiple series of different movies that we could do the question with that.

00:16:13 Mark

You know, man, yeah, or. Or indeed could do both. Just wanna pick a classic movie and fight for that classic movie. Because I've I've not got any more options written down.

00:16:22 Ben

One of the problems we have here with.

00:16:25 Ben

Classic movies is I was. I don't think I'm going to do this, so I'll tell you about it now. I had started to prepare.

00:16:31 Ben

Called has been seen it.

00:16:34 Mark

I want to play that.

00:16:34 Ben

Where I put.

00:16:35 Ben

Big list of classic films I went through like the top 100 classic films and I was going to get you guys to try and work out if.

00:16:40 Mark

Mm hmm.

00:16:43 Ben

Seen it kind of think it.

00:16:43 Mark

I am so up for.

00:16:44 Mark

That game? It'll.

00:16:45 Ben

Would probably be quite boring.

00:16:46 Mark

Dude, it really funny how.


I mean, there's, I mean.

00:16:48 Tom

We could go through. We don't have to.

00:16:49 Mark

Stop at movies, Ben. Yeah. Any classic thing? Well.

00:16:53 Tom

Has Ben.

00:16:54 Mark

Seen it? Has Ben seen? It has been heard it. Yeah. Exciting stuff stand.

00:16:55 Tom


00:16:56 Tom

My ****.

00:16:59 Ben

Please no.

00:17:00 Ben

Don't think that I have. Yeah.

00:17:00 Mark

* *****, * ***.

00:17:03 Mark

Yeah. Sorry. OK. So, yeah, any. Well, I say classic movie. Any movie that's.

00:17:09 Mark

Highly renowned, that is well known.

00:17:11 Tom

How many Daniel Radcliffe movies have you seen? You seen?

00:17:13 Ben

Harry Potter. I've seen all of the Harry.

00:17:15 Ben


00:17:16 Tom

Right. OK. Well, what other movies is Danny working?

00:17:19 Ben

Woman in black.

00:17:21 Tom

He's not. He's not been the men in black.

00:17:22 Ben

No woman in black.

00:17:25 Mark

That'll be amazing.

00:17:26 Mark

Would love to see Daniel Radcliffe in men in.

00:17:29 Ben

I can give you an actor that we might be able to use for this, Robin Williams.

00:17:33 Mark


00:17:35 Tom

Oh yes.

00:17:36 Mark

Go for it, boys. OK you guys select.

00:17:39 Ben

I would go for Jumanji on that sick.

00:17:41 Tom

Jumanji. Jumanji flop?

00:17:42 Mark


00:17:43 Tom

Bar. I mean, he's been in lies, isn't he? He's doubt fire.

00:17:46 Ben

Yes. So if you found one.

00:17:49 Tom

Tomorrow. What the? So what am I looking for again? What? What am I? What am I doing?

00:17:53 Mark

So I I want you to to just pick and movie each and then fight about how good your movie is. Pick your best Robin Williams movie and flash and burn your best friend for bragging rights.

00:18:08 Ben

So we basically have to say how **** that film is and how our one is better.

00:18:12 Mark

Yeah, yeah. Pick one and. And. Yeah. And I want you to.

00:18:13 Ben

OK, that relies on me having seen the other ones of the films.

00:18:16 Mark

Things is that, I mean, you can still just big up your one, I'm just going to decide which argument.

00:18:20 Mark

I prefer you've got Mrs Doubtfire. You've got a good girl hunting. Look, you've got Patch Adams. I've not seen Patch Adams night at the museum. I mean, if you can make me want to watch a movie that I've not seen and pick one I've not seen, then that could be a good option.

00:18:23 Ben

Oh yeah, I don't feel about that one. I'll see you done.

00:18:36 Mark

Hook excellent film bicentennial man.

00:18:37 Tom

I'll pick OK Hook I.

00:18:40 Mark

Love hook. So then what did you decide?

00:18:42 Ben

On I'm going to go with Jumanji because I feel like that's the only one I remember well.

00:18:43 Mark


00:18:48 Mark

Right. Should we start with who wants to go first, Ben or Tom?

00:18:52 Ben

I can go first if you want. Well, my initial argument would be and this is taken into account that I may have seen hook, but may have not seen all of it. I don't think that Robin Williams is a a main character in in Hook.

00:19:07 Tom

Are you joking? It's Peter.

00:19:08 Ben

Pan. Yeah. Oh, ****. Is he alright?

00:19:11 Tom

Yeah, I'm. I win.

00:19:13 Ben

I thought he was.

00:19:16 Ben

Me is it?

00:19:17 Tom

No, that's Dustin. No, that's not Dustin Hoffman. It's that's.



00:19:20 Mark


00:19:21 Mark

The phone guy has.

00:19:21 Tom

That's that's.

00:19:23 Ben

Yeah, well, I I.

00:19:25 Ben

I I I got that wrong.

00:19:28 Tom

This is what I say. This is what this is what I.

00:19:31 Tom

In the battle, I'm going to get it wrong. You look bag of pre tube food do.

00:19:39 Mark

It's not the thing.

00:19:40 Ben

And I respond to you by saying.

00:19:42 Ben


00:19:44 Mark

Ruthie says no. Oh, my bad, it's.

00:19:46 Tom

When they're having this, when they're having a battle.

00:19:50 Mark

Oh yeah, him, him and Hook.

00:19:51 Tom

And he's like, that works.

00:19:54 Ben

Bob's Hoskins is.

00:19:55 Mark

Bob Hoskins. Just me. Yeah. Yeah. And he was also Mario.



00:19:59 Mark

And also he was the phone advert.

00:20:02 Mark

For BT.

00:20:02 Tom

You look crude, rude bag of pre-chewed food.

00:20:05 Tom


00:20:06 Ben


00:20:06 Mark

Pretty cheap food dude.

00:20:08 Ben

I genuinely don't think I've seen.

00:20:10 Tom


00:20:10 Tom

You lewd, crude, rude bag of pre-chewed food. Dude, let's just do. Yeah. Why don't we watch trade original trailers for both movies. So you guys are fresh.

00:20:21 The Nameless Wonder

Two hours later.

00:20:22 Ben

Right, having watched that, I have not seen this film.

00:20:27 Mark

Oh my God.

00:20:28 Tom

Damn it.

00:20:28 Ben

My next attack on this film would be that that, that.

00:20:31 Ben

And I'm assuming it's probably the point of the.

00:20:33 Tom

Do you know the premise?

00:20:34 Ben

Of it, no, but I'm going to assume that I'm about to say this is stupid. And you're saying no. That's the point of the film, right? Why is he like 40 years old when Peter Pan is famously the boy who never grew up?

00:20:46 Mark

So he went back to real with the real world.

00:20:49 Ben

Also, he aged because he went home, yeah.

00:20:51 Mark

You went to the real world, had a family.

00:20:53 Mark

All sorts of stuff.

00:20:55 Tom

Forgot about everything and then and then Hook steals his kids. Yeah. And then he has to go and he goes back and he has to remember, like who he was. And then he starts remembering and he can fly again. And he can then he can fly and.

00:21:06 Mark

Yeah, he's in denial. He's like, no, I'm just an. Yeah. He's he's like, he starts out, he's like a lawyer or an accountant or something. And it's like, no, I'm not this. I'm not this this child, this pan you speak of.

00:21:19 Ben

Well, I I I know nothing else about this film, so it's I think your turn to attack Jumanji Tom.

00:21:25 Mark

I mean.

00:21:27 Tom

I mean Jumanji is good. I feel I'm trying.

00:21:29 Tom

I think off the top of my head, and I'm probably going to be wrong 'cause, there's probably going to be loads of moments, but I can't remember there being any moments in it that I really thought were funny. But I guess it's not really a funny movie, is it?

00:21:41 Ben

Not necessarily about funny. Like when I think of of Jumanji the like, the Stampede scene is so iconic, yeah.

00:21:43 Mark


00:21:49 Tom

Yeah, that was. That was a moment that that was an iconic again landmark kind of thing in computer graphics I think. But then looking back at it now, it looks terrible.

00:21:59 Ben

It's not necessarily the point, but what about the little the little kid is the.

00:22:00 Tom


00:22:02 Ben

OK. Yeah. And just all this crazy stuff happening within the house, like the house flooding and they're being crocodiles swimming around.

00:22:03 Mark

And the little kid with them.

00:22:10 Tom

Yeah, that was cool. I just, I I I think, yeah, it's not going to have the same effect, but this wins to me because of nostalgia. Like it's like it's like, yeah, when movie come out first.

00:22:20 Ben


00:22:20 Ben

Nostalgia for me for drama.

00:22:22 Ben

You can, yeah.

00:22:23 Ben

Well, that's in 91. I feel like Jumanji is is lighter than that.

00:22:27 Mark

Yeah, I feel like Jumanji might be 95.

00:22:27 Tom

How about?

00:22:29 Mark


00:22:30 Ben


00:22:32 Tom

Room was hurt, 9191.

00:22:34 Mark


00:22:34 Tom

So that means I win.

00:22:36 Mark

Well, I've not seen the film, no.

00:22:37 Mark

It's their first.

00:22:40 Mark

Hook is to me, more memorable. I don't remember much of Jumanji. I feel like we need to watch the Jumanji trailer. Just so that I can.

00:22:47 Tom

But Jumanji. Jumanji was good, but I just.

00:22:51 Tom

I literally have so much like emotion with with hook because I want it's only as young something as joy.

00:22:55 Ben

Right close Stampede, play the Stampede thing.


Later that same evening.

00:23:01 Ben

But that doesn't look terrible.

00:23:01 Mark

It's not too bad to be fair, it's.

00:23:03 Tom

No, it may.

00:23:03 Ben

Just a.

00:23:04 Ben

Washed out in like old CG graphics like it doesn't look real.

00:23:05 Tom


00:23:08 Tom

No, but when you watch that on like like a new TV, like a four KTV.

00:23:13 Tom

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:23:15 Ben

Hey, you're expecting? I've got a four KTV. I'm still using a a 32 inch Sony Bravia TV from like.

00:23:22 Ben


00:23:24 Mark

35 we're not.

00:23:25 Mark

But today isn't, I don't think.

00:23:28 Mark

Bad CG to.

00:23:28 Mark

Fair that is pretty good considering 95.

00:23:32 Tom

No, not only 5, but it was definitely a landmark moment for for graphics, for sure.

00:23:37 Mark

Yeah, for sure.

00:23:37 Ben

It's just such a good story. Like I appreciate. It's probably.

00:23:39 Tom


00:23:42 Ben

Massively funny but.

00:23:43 Mark

No, no, it's not about what's.

00:23:44 Mark

The funniest say for me like.

00:23:46 Tom

No, no. But I I agree that it's a good story, but it's hard for you to have.

00:23:50 Tom

A level playing field and judging them because you haven't seen both of them. At least they've seen.

00:23:54 Mark

Well I have.

00:23:55 Tom

Of them.

00:23:55 Mark

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:23:55 Ben

This this isn't my fault. This is marks fault for bringing something that is talking about old films, and we've already established I've not seen any of them.

00:24:04 Mark

I mean, you could have picked any Robin Williams movie.


But this is.

00:24:08 Ben

The one that I remember most fondly.

00:24:10 Mark

That's fine. Yeah, that's that's fine. That's that's OK. That's exactly what was on.

00:24:15 Ben

Like I even quite like the the remakes with Jack Black and the.

00:24:19 Mark

Yeah, I've, I've. I think I might have seen both of them, yeah.

00:24:22 Mark

Pretty good, yeah.

00:24:24 Ben

It's like the the Jumanji kind of universe. Although I never watched Zephora.

00:24:30 Ben

That what it was called.

00:24:32 Mark

Yeah, I think a lot of.

00:24:32 Ben

They're like the space one. That was kind.

00:24:34 Ben


00:24:35 Ben

Kind of in the same world or something, I don't know.

00:24:39 Tom

I have you ever heard of that?

00:24:40 Mark

Oh, I didn't know it was in the same world. It's kind of similar.

00:24:42 Ben

It's it's to do with Jumanji. I know that.

00:24:44 Tom

I feel like I feel like I might have seen it. I just can't remember I'm.

00:24:48 Mark

Not sure. So whilst I do appreciate both of you, you guys answers.

00:24:54 Mark

I do feel like.

00:24:55 Mark

I'll be honest in it probably was slightly foregone conclusion because Tom had me on side quite early with just picking hook.

00:25:02 Ben

And for being impartial, there were a good judge.

00:25:05 Mark

I tried my best to be impartial, but thumbs up thumbs hit me harder because I already like took a lot. Jumanji is nothing. Yeah, it was it was.

00:25:08 Ben

Doesn't sound like it.

00:25:12 Tom

Yeah. Yeah. Banging film, though. Yeah, it was. It was good. But they're both great but well.



00:25:18 Ben

The real winner here is Robin Williams, yeah.

00:25:25 Mark

Well, we hope you enjoyed this episode. If you've got any thoughts, questions or corrections, then you can hit us up on our Instagram at wonderfully illinformed on there. Or indeed you can Scroll down if you're on Spotify and leave a comment there, or if there's anywhere else that you could leave a comment, then feel free, just just whack them there and.

00:25:44 Mark

This is the bit where Ben reads out the comment.

00:25:47 Ben

So it's been quite a while since we did a last recording because of Christmas.

00:25:50 Mark


00:25:52 Ben

So we've had a couple of comments.

00:25:55 Mark

I was expecting to be.

00:25:56 Mark

Like we've had. **** all.

00:25:59 Ben

So the most recent one we got was on the great emo cryov for my cousin Steve says. I'm impressed with myself. I think I knew about four or five of them bands, and when this episode went out, I did think.

00:26:13 Ben

Steve listens to this.

00:26:14 Ben

I don't think he's going to know any of those bands so well on Steve. I'm impressed. You do even just one of them.

00:26:21 Mark

Well, actually there is a little I'll. I'll throw out there as well for anyone who hasn't noticed yet, there is a little challenge out there for if you if you zoom in, you can find pictures of us.

00:26:37 Mark

In our younger years in the emo cryof artwork, there's.

00:26:40 Tom

Two pictures of me.

00:26:42 Tom


00:26:42 Ben

I'd forgotten I did that.

00:26:43 Mark

Good luck finding us.

00:26:46 Ben

It's really not that difficult if you know what we look like. We're right there. We're the we're the non famous ones in the pitch.

00:26:46 Mark

No, I'll let you.

00:26:47 Mark

Move on. No, I know it's not out.

00:26:51 Mark

Yeah, yeah.

00:26:55 Ben

Right. And we did get one other comment.


This is from.

00:26:57 Ben

The the Pokémon episode and it says I'm the real flash Gordon. I haven't done much since 1980 because that creeps Superman stole all the limelight anyway, I bet.

00:27:10 Ben

Go Dow wants me to put up some shelves, love the podcast guys.

00:27:15 Mark

Do you want me to **** is he's his style.

00:27:16 Ben

So thank you, flash forward, we don't understand any of your references. I know who Superman is, but we're glad that you enjoy the podcast. Whoever you are. If you would like to make yourself known, that would be nice. Or this can just be an ongoing forever thing where we wonder who the **** flash Gordon is.

00:27:22 Mark

Oh yeah, I've heard of it.



00:27:33 Tom

I think it's better like that. We. Yeah, that we don't know.

00:27:35 Ben

I thought you were going to say I think.

00:27:37 Ben

Ben, I think Ben.

00:27:38 Mark

Just doing. It's a ****.

00:27:39 Ben

Just try to create some.

00:27:41 Tom

Drama. No, I feel like it's much. I don't want to discredit. If it's just some random dude who doesn't.



00:27:48 Tom

And that's really cool. But then if it's like one of our friends, I'd like, I'd want to know just to be like, OK, but actually this signifies that they actually.

00:27:49 Mark

That's great.

00:27:56 Tom

To podcast.

00:27:57 Tom

Whoever it is doesn't really matter. Thanks for listening.

00:27:59 Mark

Yeah, we appreciate you.

00:28:00 Ben

Yeah. Yeah. Well, there you go. Those are the comments that we got over the holiday period just two.

00:28:06 Tom

Just two, don't forget to subscribe rate or leave a review on whatever podcast.

00:28:14 Tom

Don't forget to subscribe rate or **** your bum.

00:28:19 Mark

Don't forget to **** your bum.

00:28:21 Mark

Whatever you do, never forget to **** your.

00:28:23 Tom

Bum, don't forget to subscribe rate or leave a review on whatever podcast platform you're listening on. Also, don't forget how to read because that would be helpful.

00:28:32 Mark

Really. Suck it. You really embarrass yourself on the podcast.

00:28:33 Tom

Yeah, it will help us grow. Not not reading won't help us grow. But listen to our podcast will help us grow and ensure that more wonderfully ill informed individuals like yourself can discover our show. I haven't done this for a while, so I'm sorry anyway.

00:28:48 Tom


00:28:50 Ben

Thanks for listening.

00:28:52 Ben

We will maybe see you next week if Tom has learned how to speak.

00:28:55 Tom

Again, yeah, I think I know how to speak. I've just forgotten.

00:28:56 Ben

Bye bye.

00:28:58 Tom

To read, think about it.

00:28:59 Ben

I just don't want to do it.

00:29:02 Tom

Even my words don't want to do it. I'm literally looking at it, trying to read it my.

00:29:05 Ben

Mouse is that welcome to my world, yeah.

00:29:07 Mark

Post, post, post Christmas world guys.

00:29:11 Ben

Goodbye. See you next week, everyone.


Bye bye.


Bye. We love you. Bye.


Never had a.





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